is Morten Torgersen - a designer, creative and art director working in the intersection between design, art & technology. 

I'm a storyteller. I create engaging spaces and experiences through visual storytelling. Often working transdisiplinary to create a holistic coherent whole - using a single story to communicate often complex information or to eleveated the experience. The result often appeals to all the senses. Wether it's new technology, analogue interaction, high or low tactility - the outcome often brings human touch to technology. 'High touch' is relevant to the concept or brand  - connecting the interaction to the narrative and enhancing the experience and communication. 

Interactive sculptures,  installations, brand spaces or exhibitions have the purpose of having an effect on the location and to create an engaging experience.

I have worked the last 13 years with exhibitons, museums and brand spaces. I started out as a graphic designer with a passion for branding. By applying my philosophy to physical spaces - gave me new tools to tell unique stories and create new worlds.

I have long experience as a creator in the fields of: graphic design, digital design, UX, interior design, service design, lighting, visual arts etc. I have long experience working with architects, anthropologist, contractors and scholars in relevant fields. I often work transdisiplinary in one given project: motion graphics, scenography, furniture, project management, creative technology integration, graphic design, art direction etc. - connecting all the archetual aspect of an experience into one vision.      



Many different variations of design processes and methodologys exist. It boils down to
philosophy and how to apporach it - and what one wants to achieve.

At its core the process is a non-linear itterative exercise with defined milestones. But the tools and methods I use to get there may be different.

My philosophy centers around that one simple story that exists somewhere in the complexity. With established context what concept will achieve that ultimate experience - the one that touches humans on an individual level.

If you can feel, touch, change, listen, affect or taste a 'product' - the stronger and more memorable the connection is ...the stronger the experience.   

'Spiral into control'

Spiral model that illustrates duality. On the one side the strategic design process - turning complex into simple and precise. The other side focuses on the experience > from the impersonal to the intimate; connection between human and story (by appealing to all the senses) = the ultimate brand experience.    


establish context

1. Initiation


get insight

2. Experimenting



3. Intensifying


realize concept

4. Integrating



5. Intimacy


Coming soon!

(+47) 470 26 401