Type: Experience
My Role: Creative & Art Direction
Agency: Expology
“Norway is the Sea” is one of three new exhibitions that mark the Norwegian Maritime Museum’s centennial in 2014. Interactive experiences engage visitors in discussion and debate, and spread knowledge about Norwegian shipping and maritime activities.
As the driving force behind the extraction of oil and other offshore ventures, the maritime industry is the foundation of modern Norway’s increasing wealth. The shipping industry brings goods from around the world to Norwegian consumers. This 500 square meters exhibition addresses technological changes and their impact on shipping and maritime industries in recent times, inviting debate about the future. As with the rest of society, the industry has gone global, and large movements in the world economy have brought prospects of growth as well as crises. Today, Norway’s advantages are still linked to natural resources, but first and foremost to experience and knowledge. What does this knowledge consist of, and how can we use it?
The Film
Changing seas - a moodboard.
A metaphor for changes in the maritime industry. Also illustrates the footprint and atmosphere of the different installations.
Triangle - A visual navigation
A Hidden Indstry
The overall atmosphere is dark - the visitor's first impression is a sense of "uncharted" waters they have to navigate through. This is emphasied through the lighting concept and interactions the visitors have with the exhibition.
The Content
This exhibiton hightlightes the norwegian maritime industry from 1950s to present - and future. Different installations and arenas tells their own side of this story.
Ocean Highway
A simulation game played by
1-4 people. You play a ship broker whos purpose is to ship bulk from one place to the next. The aim is to pick harbour and shipping line for the most efficient and safe transport. Will you sacrifice safety to save time - facing pirates or heavy storm at the expense of cost. A highly complex game used by both visitors and ship brokers.
Troubled Seas
The progress we see in maritime technology brings hope, efficiency and safety to troubled seas sympbolised by the sun’s rays breaking through the clouds as a sign of hope.
For Norwegian Maritime Museum
at Expology
Creative & Art Direction: Action Designer
Design Lead: Action Designer
Project Manager: Åshild Elton Jacobsen
Interior Design: Brynjulf Krokstrand
Production: Spikern Bygg